A double tournament! 1000points each and both a standard Force Organisation Chart. One sad thing was my feel no pain didn't pass on to the troops of my friend!! Sad cause If that was the I option it coud have been a lot more evil!! I teamed up with Imperial Guard not a leaf blower list, I did go Las spam but I rolled really bad to hit the vehicles... Damn that was terrible! Cover saves where good rolled but still. It could have gone much better!
Battle one: Tau + Necrons! Imotekh with Scarab Lords and Tau with extra night vision stuff. So the Tau player got the advantage of the night fight. And we lost our big gun on turn one thanks to Lighting stuff from Imotekh. Darn him! I got 2 razorbacks eaten by scarabs but I did kill them all in return! Sadly my libby got killed by them. It was good combo Tau and Imotekh! pfew!
Battle two: Space Marines + Tau!
More battle suits Tau and a dakka dread (who didn't do much in the battle. So I really don't know why people them? Except Grey Knights of course) Pedro Kantor and 2 squads of Tactical Marines. It did go better with against those guys. Sadly we losed with the missions... We got more vehicles immobilized/wrecked then they had. Was my least fun battle of the day because one of the opponent was yelling every time we had to make a cover save "FAIL!"
But I made it every time! Muhaha! Sportsmanship wasn't really with that guy.
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My guys hit the orks back from the objective! |
one big battlewagon full with nobs and warboss, an ork deff dread and 3 deffkopta, 2 tervigons, 2 hive guard and other tyranid stuff I don't remember or know the name. We had a fun time. Sadly didn't kill one tervigon (one wound left!) Killed lots of tyranids and didn't lose much in return. It was a draw in everything? Objectives and killing stuff only in the victory points we had a little bit of luck!
In the evening I learned my girlfriend the basics of 40k. The start begin game 20 orks versus 10 Space marines. She did it really good. I let her decide where she would move, shoot and assault. And she did excellent! She killed my marines quiet fast. Shooting and the assaulting me! My marines run twice from her orks and I let one group of 10 orks run. I gave her the beginning book of Assault on Black Reach so she could read and maybe learn some stuff from it. She enjoyed and understand the game.
Also want to thank my girlfriend for going to the Games Workshop in Antwerp after some birthday stuff! A poster, badge and a mouse pad! She got up early for it! And most of the pictures (95% of it) She took!
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