I know I'm two weeks to late. Best Wishes for 2014! Good Dice roll,
great battles and fun opponents!
Let’s recap fast: After Warpstorm 7 I did my first Malifaux 2nd
tournament on 01-12-2013. I went to Antwerp for this to see some old friends
and catch up with them. Also play some games. Which was fun but I need to
learn a lot more! Should visit the local store more for the Malifaux league…
Then one week later on the 08-12-2013 it was Insurrection 5. Had some
great battles there. Faced Orks, Grey Knights/Necrons and Tau/Eldar. Should
have done better but had a blast! No photo’s cause I forgot my battery’s. As always
the guys Gaming Lords Leuven did a great job with catering, hosting and
organizing this event.
Winter is Coming was on the 22-12-2013 and was great way to end the
year! It was a doubles
tournament. My teammate, Kimster, and I won best painted
and went 3rd Place. Best painted was a tie with the other Replayers.
Seems like we had the more wow-factor. Some fun games as well.
I ended the year with testing a Chaos Space Marine list with Be’lakor
in. He ended up giving away first blood and doing not so much. My Chaos Sorcerer
with Hallucination was the men of the match. He hallucinated a 14men squad to
not strike a blow in close combat. Which made me go kill the squad and it was
game over. So I ended the year with a win.
In 2014 the first battle was a loss. And Be’lakor ended up doing the
same in the first battle with him. I got advice to play more defensive with
him. Seem not like a bad idea. Will test this out other time.
Did I paint something towards the end of 2013? I started 5 grey knight
terminators and finished them in 2014 the first few days. Below you can see
them. I need to paint the banner and the bloodletter head. For now: Let’s have
a great 2014!
Moustache greyknight is awesome